Level Up your Landing Pages in 7 Days for $7.
For just $7, learn some of the most important strategies and tactics to build high-converting landing pages.
This mini-course is a daily email course that delivers landing-page goodness to your inbox every day for 1 week.
What You’ll Learn
How to Write Effective and Actionable Copy
The copy writing tips and formulas we use in our own business to create persuasive copy and actionable buttons.
"Must have" layout and design techniques
Battle-tested design and layout strategies every landing page should being using for maximum effectiveness.
How to use Social Proof to amplify your message
Not only where to get social proof but where to use it on your landing pages for maximum effect.
The Information You DON'T Want on a Landing Page
The elements you should remove from your landing page immediately.
Optimizing Your Landing Page for Social Platforms
How to ensure your landing page and your messaging looks great when shared on social media platforms.
And more...
With 7 emails jam-packed with tips and strategies, you’re bound to pick up a handful of take aways you can implent on your landing pages immediately.
Here’s how it works
Join the Mini-Course
As soon as you join the mini-course, you will receive a welcome email with some information and you’ll also receive the first lesson so you can get started right away.
Receive 1 Email / Day
Over the course of the next week, get a daily email jam packed (the average email is almost 700 words 💪👊) with actionable tips, strategies and advice delivered directly to your inbox.
Get to Work!
Take everything you learn in the course and implement it on your own landing pages and level them up!
The Money Back Guarantee. We stand behind our work.
Your privacy is very important to us. You can opt-out at anytime before the end of the course if you feel it’s is not right for you and ask for a refund and we’ll refund your money*, no questions asked.
* Money will be refunded in full, less any credit card processing fees taken by our processing vendor.
"*" indicates required fields
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